The doctors say there are about 2.5 million people with schizophrenia. Of those, typically 10-20% of a successful recovery is achieved. However, new research suggests that the treatment of schizophrenia could be up to 68% successful if psycho-social therapy is applied. Have, in fact, famous schizophrenics like Nobel laureate mathematician gone John Nash, Pink Floyd guitarist Syd Barrett or author Jack Kerouac, all live on fresh life with the help of medication and schizophrenia> Support counseling.
A major problem in the treatment of schizophrenia is that it focuses exclusively on drugs to the positive symptoms of attack - are the aural and visual hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking and pure. While medication is necessary to have schizophrenia, many patients remain difficulties in their medicines.
You may dislike the side effects of anti-psychotic drugs or they feel like they have been "cured" if the symptoms do not return tofor a while. But it is a serious mental illness who have the most people throughout their lives that can lie dormant and reappear suddenly and without warning. Therefore, behavioral therapy and support crucial for recovery are.
The best treatment of schizophrenia addresses the negative symptoms of the disorder. "Negative symptoms" refers to things that people are missing. For example, many schizophrenics have what is called "agoraphobia", ie the fear of people and socialSituations.
They lack the ability to easily with others, or the understanding of how to act, speak. You can also a lack of emotional responsiveness, making it difficult to show love or receive love from other obstacles, romantic relationships. In addition, lack of motivation and suffer from depression.
Research from 1955 to 1965 carried out by Courtenay M. Harding suggests that "has a very large group of consumers achieved remarkable recovery. They are people who in spite of ongoing symptoms, carvedlife insurance.
They have goals, they take decisions, and to improve their situation with the right measures. "The new successful interventions used for people with schizophrenia (as in Vermont) are: self-sufficiency, rehabilitation and integration into the community where the old intervention (used in Maine) was meds, maintenance and stabilization.
It is estimated that, of all people with schizophrenia, 1 / 10 men commit suicide. Often suicidal episodesimplemented in either a psychotic or seizure within the first six to nine months for them to happen and from schizophrenia drugs to cope and that with difficulty.
Here, behavioral therapy and support systems are so critical. However, it is difficult financially for many patients, since insurance companies on the importance of advice and refuse to detect long-term rehabilitation programs.
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