Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mindfulness Meditation - Why it Works

There are numerous studies on the meditation helps reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, was a pioneer in recognizing that mindfulness meditation may be helpful for adult patients with chronic pain. He developed a secular version of the Buddhist practice, which he called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Currently there are over a thousand studiespublished in peer-reviewed journals. Kabat-Zinn MBSR program is found, not only relieve chronic pain, but also high blood pressure and cholesterol, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic alleviate stress, eating disorders and drug abuse.

The executive functions of the brain is the most vulnerable people who have ADHD. The circuits are here defective synapses, which make it very expensive to participate in protracted low-level stimuli, such as cleaning andTidy up the room or a workspace, finishing homework, projects, or books, stay organized, waiting and delaying gratification, or balancing a checkbook. Most people who do not think I understand ADHD, it is quite stupid, lazy or unmotivated. Fortunately, research has shown that it is possible to reprogram to the brain circuits in people who have ADD / ADHD.

A study of mindfulness meditation to treat adults and adolescents with ADHD waspublished in the Journal of Attention Disorders (Zylowka, et al. 2008, 11, 737-746). One of the benefits of meditation is practiced to help ensure that these specific difficult tasks mentioned above are better integrated into a daily life. Mindfulness is a "defining moment to moment awareness for our present experience, without trial."

The authors of this article states: "Mindfulness meditation involves experiential learning through quiet periods of sitting meditation or slowHiking and purposeful attention to daily activities. Relaxation, though often induced during training is not the only goal of the activity, but the main activity of cognitive and intention-based process, dominated by self-regulation and attention on the present with an open and accepting orientation to their own experiences . "

Meditation helps to change attention networks, dopamine levels, Change the neuronal activity and modulate the EEG patterns. This canstrengthened by meditation with recordings that include entrainment (synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles) and Binaural beats that the person is going to meditate from a state of alpha-beta state to help.

Meditation invites you down into the present, by slowing of thought and swept the ideas, the sums are to inconsistencies in a busy brain that the person, prohibits from relaxing. The ADHD mind is compared to a screen, which is quickly turning from one channel toanother.

Meditation does not have to be complicated, religiously oriented, boring or expensive. It is a myth about the practice of meditation, that it attached to the Eastern religion. Although it is true that the Buddhist practice involves a form of meditation, there is an intention to be at more peace with itself. Meditation can in the same way as other disciplines thought that might be a better overall physical, mental or emotional well-being. Like other forms ofExercise, stressful or not, everyone needs to find a method of discipline, so that they be shown in their improvement.

Living with a depressed adolescent or a child with a disability is very stressful and meditation gives you the opportunity to stress and allow yourself to be a nice gift to your self-indulgent spirit flow into a quiet room. You have probably spend little time alone and enjoy a few quiet moments to keep in touch with your inner being. You can toobusy attending to the needs of others. When you are ready to take up 15 minutes earlier, and the time and focus and calm your mind, it can do for you one of your favorites, and can look forward to it every day.

There is no way to avoid stress in daily life, but there is the possibility of addressing the burden with a healthy plan. People often say that they eat more when they feel stressed out or take some kind of mood changing substance to feel in an effort tocalmer. Instead of the self-medication, why not try self-meditation? For those of you who are phobic meditation because you are too antsy or you do not know whether you do it right, just remember to keep it simple in the beginning. You do not need to hire a coach, you do not pay much money to get a mantra. You do not have to sit in the lotus position (unless you prefer), and you do not have to learn a complicated breathing technique.

Here are some simple tips to help you areOpen:

1. Get up 15 minutes earlier than normal and meditate before you do anything else, such as breakfast. It is too easy to get caught with all the duties and tasks of the day.

2. Get out of bed and go to a place where you can sit with your back straight. You do not have any himself, because it is easy to fall asleep again. They want to remain vigilant and are in a state of mindfulness. Some people like to light a candle, burn some incense, or some freshly cut flowersin the vicinity.

3. Make sure that nothing and nobody to disturb or interrupt. (If the pet in another room, turn off the phone and unplug the phone). The environment must be quiet, unless natural sounds like birds singing in the garden or the gentle lapping of the water from a well are.

4. Start with the breathing naturally and focus on your 'in' and your 'out' breath. You are not controlling your breathing in and out, you're easy to respect, tomore aware of your body, and listening to your breathing.

5. You will notice some tension in your body, perhaps in your hands, shoulders or back. Relax, let the muscles are relaxed, and feel the difference you feel.

6. If your mind wanders, that is, it takes you back by focusing on your breathing. How thoughts and feelings, acknowledge and then let them go easily, as if they were to float big white cloud just gone to heaven.

7. Select one or twobeautiful or important words that you feel like getting up and want to rest and peacefully reached. Tell them how you breathe in and out. If your mind wanders, return to your center of breathing and repeat the word (s).

People were fishing guide with maps for the floor since the 1970s meditation. They have been developed, Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler, and are represented basically a box with 72 illustrated cards, the playful essence of wisdom. You can orderthe small box from the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland and get in a few days. Every morning you can use a card at random from and use it in your meditative practice. Today is the card I selected was "Respect", which was the focus of my meditation, and use a guide for the whole day, to respect myself, other animals and the planet.

If you decide in the future, explore meditation further, you can create a course in mindfulness, or a course in the art of life, or go to PlumThe village in France and spend a weekend with suture Thich Hahn, who wrote these two books, among many others: "The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual on Meditation" and "Present Moment, Wonderful Moment". Another great book about mindfulness is: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle.

If you do not feel that the mediation of benefits initially not give up. Treat yourself to a few days to get to your new practice. Like everything worthwhile, you have to do it every day as part ofYour morning ritual, and this requires commitment and discipline. Finally, it is probably something you relish doing. You can also listen to some free teaching tapes help you get started: http://www.project-meditation.org

Meditation can also help with the healing of depression. For a detailed description of how it suffers from parents whose child from depression, contributed to click on the website address below to read more on how they co-authored an e-book with me entitled UnderstandingDepression in children and adolescents: Basic Steps to help your child. http://www.prosocial.co.uk/Products/UnderstandingDepressionEbook/tabid/1681/Default.aspx

© 2009 Dr Angel Adams and Dr. Patricia Papciak. All rights reserved

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

ADHD - An Overview

ADHD is not a "new" psychological problem nor is it a failure, for the purpose of personal gain or financial profit of pharmaceutical companies, mental health, or created by the media. It is a very real and behavioral disorder, affects millions of people nationwide. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders in children and adolescents. According to NIMH, the estimated number ofChildren with ADHD is between 3% - 5% of the population. NIMH also estimates that 4.1 percent of adults have ADHD.

Although it has taken some time for our society to accept as a bona fide mental and / or medical disorder ADHD, but in reality it is a problem that has in modern literature for at least 200 years noted. Already in 1798, ADHD was first described in medical literature by Dr. Alexander Crichton, which he for "MentalUnrest. "A tale of an apparent ADHD youth," The Story of Fidgety Philip "was written in 1845 by Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann. In 1922, ADHD was recognized as a post-encephalitic behavior disorder. In 1937 it was discovered that stimulants help control hyperactivity in children. 1957 Methylphenidate (Ritalin), has been commercially available to treat hyperactive children.

The formal and accepted the mental health / behavioral diagnosis of ADHD is relativelyrecent. In the early 1960s, ADHD was called "Minimal Brain Dysfunction" means. In 1968, the disorder was known as "hyperkinetic reaction of childhood." At this point, the emphasis was placed more on the hyperactivity than inattention symptoms. 1980 was diagnosed with ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder, changed with or without hyperactivity, "the equal emphasis placed on hyperactivity and inattention. Until 1987, the disorder was renamed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) and was divided into four categories (see below). Since ADHD was as a medical disorder to behavioral problems.

Currently, ADHD is the DSM-IV-TR defines (the accepted diagnostic manual) as a disorder, which is divided into four categories:

1. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Inattentive Type (formerly known as ADD) is a disorder of attention and markedConcentration.

2. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Hyperactive, Impulsive Type (formerly known as known as ADHD) is characterized by inattention without hyperactivity.

3. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, (combined type is the most common type) includes all the symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

4. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder not otherwise specified. This category is for the ADS-disorders, areprominent symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity-impulsivity, but not the DSM-IV-TR criteria for a diagnosis.

To understand better about ADHD and its four sub-categories, it helps to hyperactivity, impulsivity, illustrating, and / or inattention by examples.

Typical symptoms of hyperactive youth include:

Often "on the go" or driven as by a motor "
Feeling restless
Moving to the hands and feet, nervous or twine
Getting up frequently to walkor walk
Running or climbing excessively when it is inappropriate
Difficulty playing quietly or in a quiet leisure activities
Talking excessively or too rapidly
Often leave seat is expected to sit for a stay
Often can not calm participate in social activities

Typical symptoms of impulsivity in youth include:

Acting rashly or suddenly, without thinking to first
Blurting out answers before questions are fully
After a difficult timein anticipation of
Often interrupting conversations or activities of other
Poor decision or decisions in social situations that lead to the child is not accepted by his own peer group.

Typical symptoms of inattention in youth include:

Not attention to details or makes careless mistakes
If you have problems to stay focused and is easily distracted
Not appear to listen when spoken
Often forgetful in daily life
If you have problems remainorganized, plan ahead and finishing projects
Lose or misplace homework, books, toys or other objects
Does not seem to listen when spoken directly
Not following instructions and otherwise for the activities, homework, chores or duties in the workplace quit
Avoid or dislike tasks that require ongoing mental effort or concentration

Of the four sub-ADHD, hyperactive-impulsive type of distinction, to recognize, and the easiest toto diagnose. The hyperactive and impulsive symptoms in behavior in the various fields of expression, in which a child interacts, ie, at home, with friends, at school and / or during sports or extracurricular activities. Because of the hyperactive and impulsive features of this sub-category, of course, these children often attract the attention (negative) of their environment. Compared to children without ADHD, they are difficult to teach, teach, coach, and with thoseto communicate. Moreover, they tend to disrupt, seemingly contradictory, reckless, accident prone and socially underdeveloped.

Parents of ADHD youth often report frustration, anger and emotional exhaustion of their child's inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Over time, they will receive professional services, many parents of ADHD children describe complex feelings of anger, fear, despair and guilt. Your multiple "errors" on arrivalconcentrate their children, pay attention to and action in following directions, responsibilities and tasks in a feeling of hopelessness and despair lead. These parents often report feeling guilty over their anger, loss of patience, discipline and reactive style. Both psychotherapists and psychiatrists who worked with the parents of ADHD youths, the "fun" with the words: "If someone does not help, my child, give me a drug!

The following statistics (Dr. Russell Barkley and Dr. Tim will) show the far-reaching impact of ADHD in adolescence.

ADHD is a childhood on the frequency of 6-8%, with the disease continues into adolescence for 75% of patients, with 50% of cases lasting into adulthood.
Boys are diagnosed with ADHD 3 times more often than girls.
Emotional development in children with ADHD is 30% slower than non-ADHD peers.
65% of children with > ADHD exhibit problems in defiance or problems with authorities. This can include verbal hostility and temper tantrums.
Young people with ADHD have almost four times as much traffic citations than non-ADD / ADHD drivers. They have four times as many car accidents, and seven times more likely to second to an accident.
Skipping 21% of adolescents with ADHD to school regularly, and 35% leave school before graduation.
45% of children with> ADHD have been suspended from school at least once.
30% of children with ADHD have repeated a grade.
Youth who are treated with drugs a six times less likely to develop a substance abuse disorder through adolescence.
The juvenile justice system, together 75% of children diagnosed with learning disabilities, including ADHD.

ADHD is a genetically transmitted disease. Research by the National Institute of Medical Health (NIMH funded)and the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) have clear evidence to show that ADHD runs in families. Have to show, according to a new study, over 25% of first-degree relatives of the families of ADHD children also have ADHD. Other studies have shown that 80% of adults with ADHD have at least one child with ADHD and 52% had two or more children with ADHD. The genetic context of ADHD has important implications for the treatment, because other children in aFamilies can also ADHD. There is also quite possible that the parents may have ADHD. Of course get more complicated issues, if the parents are diagnosed with ADHD have problems with their ADHD child. Therefore, it is crucial to assess a family incidence of ADHD, to the assessment of ADHD in adolescence.

Diagnose Attention Deficit Disorder Inattentive Type in youth is not an easy task. More harm than good is done when a personmisdiagnosed. A wrong diagnosis can lead to unnecessary treatment, ie, a prescription for ADHD medications and / or unnecessary psychological, behavioral and / or education services. Unnecessary treatment with ADHD medications can be emotionally and physically harmful. Conversely, if an individual run correctly diagnosed and then treated for ADHD, the potential for dramatic changes in the life limit.

A doctor (a preferablyPsychiatrist) or other approved, trained and qualified psychologist can diagnose ADHD. Only certain medical professionals can prescribe medications. These are physicians (MD or DO), nurses and physician assistants (PA) under the supervision of a physician. However, a psychiatrist, because of their training and experience in mental disorders, are best qualified to prescribe ADHD medication.

While the ADHD HyperactiveYouth diagnosed with type are easily noticed with ADHD inattentive type are prone to be false, or, worse, will not even notice. In addition, ADHD inattentive type youth are often mislabeled, misunderstood, and even for a disease over which they have blamed no control. Because ADHD inattentive type manifests itself more inward and less in behavior, these adolescents are characterized not so often the potential treatment of providers. Therefore, these young people are often not obtainedpotentially life-improving treatment, ie, psychotherapy, school counseling / coaching, educational services, and / or medical and psychiatric services. Unfortunately, many "falling through the cracks" of social services, mental health, juvenile justice and education systems.

Unrecognized and untreated adolescents with ADHD may in adults with low self-esteem concepts to develop low self-esteem, the associated emotional, educational and employment problems. According to reliable statistics, Adultswith unrecognized and / or untreated ADHD are more prone to alcohol and drug problems to develop. It is common to try adolescents and adults with ADHD to calm them, or treat yourself ", with addictive substances such as alcohol, marijuana, narcotics, sedatives, nicotine, cocaine and amphetamines illegally prescribed or street) (stimulants.

About 60% of the people, the symptoms as a child still had symptoms of ADHD as adults. Andonly 1 in 4 adults with ADHD in childhood, diagnosed and treated even less. Due to the increased public awareness and marketing of pharmaceutical companies about their medicines, more adults are now looking for help with ADHD. However, many of these adults who were not treated as children bear emotional, educational, personal, and occupational "scars." As children of these people did not feel "so smart, successful and / or sympathetic" as their non-ADHDCounterparts. Then explain to anyone why they are fighting for home, with friends and at school, she naturally turned inward to explain their deficits. Finally, they will internalize the negative messages about themselves, leaving less chance for success as adults.

Similar to adolescents, adults with ADHD have serious problems with concentration or attention, or are overactive (hyperactive) in one or more areas of life. Some of theCommon problems include:

Problems with work or career, often lose or leave their jobs
Problems can be as good as you should at work or at school
Problems with daily tasks such as housework to pay bills, and organize things
Problems with relationships, because you do not forget important things that can finish tasks, or get upset about little things
Ongoing stress and worry because you do not meet goals and tasks
Ongoing, strong feelingsFrustration, guilt, blame or

According to Adult ADHD Research:

ADHD can be 30% of people who had childhood ADHD.
ADHD does not develop in adulthood. Only those who have had the disorder since early childhood really suffer from ADHD.
Act to stop an important criterion of ADHD in adults "disinhibition" - the inability to impulsive. Hyperactivity is much less likely than a symptom of the disease in adulthood.
Adults with ADHD tend to forget appointments, and are often socially inappropriate - making rude or insulting remarks - and they are poorly organized. You can find the prioritization difficult.
Adults with ADHD find it difficult to form lasting relationships.
Adults with ADHD have problems with short-term memory.Almost all people with ADHD suffer from other psychological problems - particularly depression and substance abuse.

Although there is no consensus about the cause of the> ADHD, there is a general consensus in the medical and mental health communities, which are biological in nature. Some are general explanations for ADHD: a chemical imbalance in the brain, malnutrition, early brain injury / brain trauma, or obstacles to the normal development of the brain (the use of cigarettes and alcohol during pregnancy poses). ADHD may also dysfunctions of the caused brain or neurological disorders. Dysfunction in the areas in the frontal lobes, basalGanglia, cerebellum, and can adversely affect the regulation of behavior, inhibition, short-term memory, planning, self-monitoring, verbal regulation, motor control and emotional impact of regulation.

Since you have a successful treatment of this disease profound positive emotional, social and family outcomes, an accurate diagnosis is very important. Requirements for diagnosing ADHD are: training (graduate and post graduate), training, supervision, experience,and licensing. Even with the basic professional skills, cooperation and suggestions from current or former psychotherapist, parents, teachers created, teachers, doctors and / or psychiatrist, more reliable and accurate diagnoses. The value of cooperation should not be underestimated.

Sound ethical practice is forcing doctors, the least restrictive and least risky form of therapy offers / treatment of adolescents with ADHD. Medication or intensive psycho-therapeuticBenefits should only be granted if the client would not be favorable to react less invasive treatment approaches. It is therefore crucial to determine whether the "functional impairment is present or not. Customers who are functionally impaired, are in their environment to be successful without expert support, services and / or psycho-therapeutic or medical treatment. If impairment is established, then it is the responsibility of the treatment team working together for theeffective method of treatment.

Too often a person is misdiagnosed with ADHD is not on attention deficit problems, but because of their unique personality, learning style, too emotional to explain better-up, energy and activity, and other psychosocial factors that their problematic behaviors. A misdiagnosis could be related to other mental or emotional conditions (see next section), a life circumstance, including the unemployment of a parent, divorce, familyDysfunction or medical conditions. In a small but significant number of cases, the diagnosis of ADHD better represented by an adult an ambitious, willful and oppositional child, should not this also with these problems may have to manage ADHD.

It is important that before an ADHD diagnosis is reached (is prescribed primarily to the drug), such that a clinician consider when others can simultaneously from mental illness or medical, for the hyperactive, impulsive,and / or inattentive symptoms. Because other diseases like symptoms shares with ADHD, it is necessary that the probability of a spiritual / psychological disorders over the life of another of the opinion that possibly for symptoms a client's account. Finalized For example, generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder shares symptoms of disorganization, lack of concentration and work issues. A trained and qualified specialist in ADHD is the differential diagnoses to consider,Arrival at the most logical and clinically positive findings. Typical diseases are excluded, including: generalized anxiety, major depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Abuse Disorders. Furthermore, medical explanations should also be given to: sleep disorders, nutritional deficiencies, hearing impairment, and others.

If an alternative practitioner formally a client with ADHD diagnoses, ie, a psychotherapist, it is recommended that a second opinion(or confirmation of the diagnosis search) by a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in the medical side of mental disorders. Psychiatrists are able to medicines, be the need to prescribe to treat ADHD. In collaboration, the parents, school staff, the national psychotherapists and psychiatrists, the effectiveness of the medical component of ADHD treatment.

In summary, ADHD is a mental health andDisorder, is increasingly accepted, and should therefore be treated better. To achieve a high professional assessment, diagnosis, education and treatment standards, it is important that trained and qualified practitioners, the multidimensional aspects of ADHD: history, diagnosis, statistics, understand aetiology and treatment. Training, experience, a great interest in details, a solid base of information, and a system of co-creating thePotential for positive results in the treatment of ADHD.

References and quotations are available upon request E-mail: Rossr61@comcast.net

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

What Can the Hornbills Teach Us About Sharing?

We would like to tell a few stories about the release. First, we have a friend who works in a zoo, recently told us of the hornbills. They are very exotic birds, which come from tropical forests in Thailand, Malaysia, India and Africa. Hornbills are very interesting because they monogamous relationships that last for life. The main reason is that the reproductive needs of the female hornbill hornbill male to trust her for 4 ½ months during the feedIncubation for their eggs. Before mating, he offers her a gift of life (an insect or a fruit). The nest is usually made in a tree hole. In fact, sludge in it! She closes her nest, complete with mud and dung and leaves, only so much space for their partner to their food through the hole in the time it is given in the nest. Can you imagine that Mr. Hornbill bring up to 24,000 fruit for women Hornbill can throughout the period of nesting? Wow!

After 4 ½ monthsWomen Hornbill tears over the dirt around their apartment and appeared to present with their young to Mr. Hornbill. Now that's sharing! There are many other animals that depend on and share with each other to keep that part of the species alive, but the hornbills can participate in the ultimate, because they are believed to birds with the highest incidence of cooperative breeding.

The life of the hornbill is a wonderful story to tell your children because it helps them see that even in nature,Trust and sharing is such an important way of life. In addition to the absolute basic necessities of life such as food, warmth and sleep, there is nothing more important than our interaction with other people. When we get to share it all, and truly understand, the sharing process, maybe we can get some of the terrible things that could go to avoid in the world.

We all know about the release. We know that we made when others share. We know that sharing makes us feel good. We know how specialwe feel when our spouse or partner share in the upbringing of children. So why in the world do not we share more than we are?

It can be easy to share things that we care about or have not used a lot already, but what if someone needs to share something really really want, and you do it? What about sharing personal stories and secrets that could embarrass us? Some parents believe that they and their children stories that are embarrassing, they should contactOthers tell their children everything. We ask that) the disclosure of TMI (too much information. We think it's an important balance to be dealt with when it comes to sharing thoughts and ideas must. If your child can really learn something from what you want to share, and it is not your child in bed at night, lying awake on the secrets of the past with his family, it's probably a good idea to worry him in the lurch or in some questions of the family. It is also constructive, let yourChild know that you have overcome some of the weaknesses, or that have accepted you, or have to be done.

A large part of sharing is trust. We need to trust that the other person is unreasonable and not judge us. We tend to share more when we feel safe. (Hence the history of the hornbills.) We share something of value if we believe that the person that we share, with respect and appreciation of the position as we are. We want a good feeling when we share. It's never fun to give somethingsomeone and then they only see you throw them aside as if it were easily available. But with children, we never know until we teach them what we value value.

Have you ever thought that your children something special, which was given you? They estimated it, and you want them to appreciate it. After initially receiving the item, they seem to appreciate the way you want, but that it later when you ask, can it be that they have lost them, or even lost. Thiscan not be, because they do not value it, it can be due to the fact that they are too young to know how to protect them or they are forgetful and organizationally challenged, and later may end the feeling of shame for their behavior.

When we share with our children stories, can not yet exclude the same problem. We share something, hear something very important to us, and we share them with someone in a way that the light which makes it more or minimized the importance for us. You may not have heardwhat we have said clearly and tell it to someone else without the facts straight. It is a fine line on the sharing in a manner in which one is valued shares, as you want it to appreciate it.

The age of a child is important, if these decisions. Children may not be developmentally ready to share and continue to be self-centered to a certain age. For example, an infant mental approach is everything, "Mine!" Preschool children begin to understand intellectually about sharing, but itis usually not until the age of 7 years that a child really learns to share. This was investigated by Ernst Fehr at the University of Zurich, as his studies showed that the age of 7-8 of equality and altruism has become important to children and they are more willing to share. He confirmed that the capacity for shared use matures along with her body.

No matter what time it is important to share, to teach the common usage. If the parents do not share their feelings with their correspondingChildren, either to burden them with too many of their feelings or by the majority of things to benefit themselves (and thus the balance we) have already mentioned, it is not their children about the positive role modeling. Children may also be afraid to share with their parents because their parents have reacted in a negative way, and now they are careful to share with them in the future. You can respond like their parents, when her new feelings and experiences anxietyAdolescents. It is true that young people begin to development, the separation at this age, and they do not want to share their private feelings with their parents. But it is also very important to open the path to where they and their parents, want to check what they do. You can fear, and the parents must make it clear that they have heard and what to tell their children respectfully, even if they disagree.

We can help our children understand thatabout sharing in the big picture by reading children's books where animals and children share. This way children are more ready to read the stories of other cultures where they can see a process of give and take with other people and other animals in the world. The lessons that both other cultures and birds/animals can teach us are invaluable. Helping others can be its own reward, and in fact this is confirmed by many biologists and scientists. Selfless acts give us a warm glow inside and this is confirmed by personal experience as well as neurological studies that show that the sharing and altruism may Activity in parts of the brain that are involved in feelings of reward.

Let your children know that even monkeys, when shares can be chuffed with their friends. At the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Frans de Waal's team of scientists has examined the selfless side of the brown capuchin monkeys. De Waal put the Capuchins by three blocks of ten trials, and evenin the first sentence, they were not) rather than the token select (sweets that the other monkeys benefited. Each monkey was a choice between two different colored marks. Both would earn a lucrative slice of apple, but only one make a play for a second monkey is sitting in an adjacent room would be transparent net.

By the end of the experiment, they were the choice of "prosocial" tokens around two thirds of the time. The study shows that people like thisTo show monkeys usually its strongest level of empathy towards their closest friends and family. They were most likely the prosocial token when picking the other monkey a blood relative. They were also willing to help, independent members of the same group, but not when it came to independent foreign.

Here are some tips to help your children develop to share the gift of:

1. Help them a book with pictures and thoughts to them personally, but they could createlike to share with others. You can book other show in the family, and they allow members of the family ask if they want something, share the book with others, add it to the show.

2. Sharing memories is an effective way to discuss what it is to talk stocks. Keep home a book with blank pages on one or has the kitchen table. If something happens, something funny or tragic, they can write about what happened. When they later have written what they read,they can have their feelings about each event.

3. Keep a journal of the most important things that your kids do or say when they are young. You will be happy to hear about the behavior of their childhood when they grow older. Not only children are tempered by hearing what they have said and done, but they are unconsciously recognized by the fact that you took as a parent to write the time that these important moments so they are used at a later date.

4. Show ChildrenPictures of shares, as the animals in the wild. This is especially good for children with autism, who often respond better to visual images then spoken on the floor.

5. Have family meetings on the agenda when it is time for each family member can do something of significance that for them during the week, shares happened.

6. Have your own personal family Ex-Factor, where every child at the center (no judge can go). A child can recite a poem that can sing another, whilePlaying guitar can be, another magic trick, or a boy to show their new arithmetic shares solving skills.

7. Make up a family rule that when children are fighting over a toy or possession of the family, the toy is made, a way to divide up the couple to prove they can, and that is how they can earn it back. (Make sure it's age).

We want to tell you about Owen, a baby hippopotamus that survived the tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast, where wildlife rangers rescued him is. Owenformed a strong bond with a giant male tortoise named Mzee, which is 130 years old. They met in an animal facility. Owen weighs about 300 kg (650 pounds) and Mzee seems very happy with being a father figure to an ecologist Paula Kahumbu, head of Lafarge Park. Share: up their food, a place to sleep, walk, seen the coolness of the muddy water on a hot day, eye contact and tenderness, especially in their cuddling, nudging and. Gluing

(a must see video: Click on Owen and Mzee music video here) http://www.owenandmzee.com/omweb/flash/mediacenter/mediacenter.html

Finally, if you have trouble with a child or an alienated youth, and you feel lost, like new link, you will find the place in your own being, where you really get to promote with the greatest love, the wounded relationship. This might mean to say very little for the time and bring a small gift that you know that theylike, or invite them to something they enjoy to do. You can think about one of their interests, or anything positive you noticed, or they do not know in a way judgmental. If they do not react the first time, do not give up, how you want to improve relations. Eventually, you'll be able to replace it in the arena, where they remember how they love you. "Love has to find a way when you need it most." If you can have the warm and strong feelings on both sidesthe relationship, it is so easy to break those barriers and share what makes sense to share it. It is a feeling of light around you.

Anam Cara by John O'Donohue is a book that addresses Celtic wisdom. It is a book that is both poetic, spiritual and philosophical. If O'Donohue talks about friendship, he talks about the "candle-light world of the soul." He says: "Maybe the light of the soul is like the light that Rembrandt tawny, golden light on Rembrandt's work is known.This light gives it a real sense of depth and substance of the numbers on which they seem gentle. "(P.25) This is such a nice thought. You can often feel that, if you shine a moment to experience, sharing with someone you love. But it's up to you to create this feeling of lighting .

Mr. and Mrs. Hornbill probably not thinking about what kind of light they need to share their food. They are just hungry and have to fed that they can keep and augment itsSpecies live in the world. Sometimes that's all what we are able to do as human beings. Our goal is do you keep motivated to see your existence beyond simple awareness and open yourself and your children the opportunity, your most unique, meaningful and creative life, through sharing and understanding and knowledge about birds fed expanded, reptiles, animals and peoples of the world.

Dr Angel Adams and Dr. Patricia Papciak

© 2009 Dr Angel Adams. AllRights reserved.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Respect is the Key to Your Child's Success

The parents are the most important role model in the lives of their children, and it is important that they respect the example set by themselves, their children and for everyone else. Children are like a mirror, because it gives us back much of what we say, to reflect and do. 95% of children have learned from everything that is through, what they have learned model, with only 5% through direct instruction. What do we communicate what we teach our language is the language that theyspeak.

Respect can permeate into all areas, including: respect for ourselves, respect for our loved ones, respect for our neighbors, our employees and all those who think differently than we do. This is obviously not easy to make. How can we treat the idea with mindfulness so that we do not allow stray from the importance of others, their feelings about things in the same way that we want to be respected for our personal ideas?

According to the dictionary Respectmeans "willingness to respectful consideration, appreciation and keep showing great appreciation for a different opinion, wishes and opinion." How do you think highly of someone if you do not rely on their values and the way they live their lives.

If you treat a person with respect, recognize and preserve their human dignity. Are you maintaining the values that you hold as most important? Be patient with yourself when you make mistakes? Are you ready to admit you made a mistakeIf you are impatient and say things to disturb the others? Can you open your child that your goal and the goal that you set for him / her is the best person you can be at any time. Although most of us to deal with the problems that can arise in our daily lives, there is always a day when things feel out of control. The best thing you can do is take a little time to reassess. Do you remember what you have to be thankful for. Remind your children what they need toRemember to thank, too.

One of the most important ways to treat themselves and others respectfully is take the time to answer difficult questions. When your children ask you about terrible things in the news, or why the people in a way, the answer to what you teach them will behave normally happen, as you can in a respectful manner? No matter how strong you are about something, it is important to respond with an open mind. One could answer the question with somelike, "I wonder what this person might have been the spirit that he so little." In other words, they leave open the possibility for the discussion to consider how people make their decisions. This way you are respecting yourself and think of the way, but you also let your children that there is always more than one way of looking at something.

Another problem with children is when they ask you if they can do something that you know, they do not want to do. Take adeep breath and tell your child, "Let me join?" I am a little tired and rushed at the moment and I want to think about if there is a way we can work for you. " Even if in your heart know that you are going to reject the request, maybe there is a way of solving problems on alternative ways to produce a healthy way to think of their applications together. Perhaps your child will think of more time to enjoy, on the request, and he / she will see that there may be a littleunreasonable. The fact that some time for reflection and consideration you show your child that you will be respected about his thoughts and feelings.

At this point in history, it seems that one of the hardest things to respect people of other ethnicities and religions. How do you teach your children to respect others, as they not? Sometimes, when we see historical films, we can see that have been throughout history, people always cruel to each other, irreverent eachothers because of their race or religion or class.

A poem about the respect of us comes from Rene Philombe, a political and cultural activist from Cameroon, who died in 2001. The poem is originally in French and in his book L'homme qui te resemble that of the man who is as you say. In this poem he called all his brethren, and calls not asked his nationality or his skin color, because he is human like everybody else. He does not ask to ask his physical characteristics, or especially the "name,his gods. "Students who learn this poem in French, even for a moment seized by this line. What does he mean do not ask me the name of my gods. We all have different views, but we all having the same needs things. We are similar because we all want it to be warm and well fed and loved. What we are outside of our physical being, everything is felt in an effort to make the world believe. To think that whatever comfort They allow, and all else that comforts them to believe. This is not aeasy task for the young, the educated belief in a religion. It does not mean you should see the way you or ask you to change your children what they have learned to change, but it will ask you to respect others and know that they have learned different things.

The best way to teach in relation to our children is to show respect. When our children experience respect, they know how it feels, and begin to understand how it can change lives. Respect is a way of living.His respect helps a child to be more successful in school and paving the way for more success in adult life at work and in marriage.

To summarize and remind you about ways to be respectful to your child. Consider these 7 tips:

1. Take time to listen to your child. Listen carefully and thoughtfully. Think carefully about what your child wants and needs before you answer.

2. Remember that you win for your child by the will to be honest. Always the answer to yourChild as honestly as you can. If this means that you can wait before taking answer, do your time.

3. Be willing to apologize when you talk about hard or too fast because you are busy or tired. It is important for your child that you as someone who is genuinely interested in respect.

4. Marvel According to the ideas and concepts that you value, so that your child will not be surprised if he / she ceases to support your decisions with this information.

5. Love your child, by respectfullyhonestly and fairly.

6. Hold them responsible for their behavior.

7. You can not possibly be able to control or take your child (especially if a young person) in respect of their attitude, but no compromise in anticipation of that respect back to you, to show it by their behavior.

Although this very old poem, we recommend that you take the time to read "IF" by Rudyard Kipling with your child. It is written in simple language and most children can relate the ideas.Also, make the rhythm of it and the rhyming lines is easy to remember. If children are often hurt by their friends or feel bad when they lose something. This is a good poem to help them remember how to stay on course. The qualities that are written in this poem: patience is humility, honesty and prudence, qualities that are important to children.You can teach our own, this poem by a young adults in the Reading and Listening: http://www.youtube . com / watch? v = FOy8rneWlrs

© 2009 Dr Angel Adams and Dr.Patricia Papciak. All rights reserved.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

7 Tips For Parents and Guardians to Help Their Child That Has ADHD

If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, please see know that it is not necessarily a death sentence. ADHD, which was also known as ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder is now called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. During this period, it is children who are diagnosed with this. Furthermore, it is a learning disability, because it may affect their understanding and comprehension in school.

Make sure that you will receive a thorough assessment andDiagnosis. You can also get a second opinion. Some symptoms that you notice any of them may not necessarily that of the disorder. There are other things that they are like me with this, can be diagnosed. Your child should also fit the criteria set by occupation are available.

Here are 7 tips to parents and guardians are able to use to help them:

1. Do not want them sitting in front of the television for hours at a time. You can see it but only for a limited time.You can only do that by making the volume up loud stressed. Find something that is more constructive for them, rather than to do.

2. You can participate in extracurricular activities, but do not overdo it. Allowing them to choose one thing to do so that they can concentrate better. Too many things to do for them, will only serve to confuse them.

3. In the morning on school days, make sure they have enough time to get ready. Rushing it is doing nothing but frustrating and can lead tothey become aggressive or impulsive.

4. Let them take your time and not force them to talk about what they can do to leave. This also serves as a source of frustration. They are even more frustrated when they are something they are not yet ready to try to push for.

5. Be detailed if you want them to do something. So she told her room tidy can be a vague request. You can view a list of things that they need to do with their rooms.

6. Work with yourStrengths of the child and pay attention to the areas where they do well or things that they are interested in. Give praise and rewards for things like good manners, improved varieties, etc.

7. Once it is not the way you had hoped, do not use the diagnosis of ADHD as a crutch. That will not help the child to the front and will only take longer to make progress.

With these tips you can help your child, in conjunction with other better. Learning help to reassure them andManage their time can help them become productive citizens of society.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Socialization Opportunities For Homeschoolers

The majority of homeschoolers receiving, asked the question: "What is socialization?" If you have been at home school for a long time, one can only smile because you know there are many opportunities for socialization. Homeschool children interact with people much more than you think. Here are some options for socialization:

1. Extracurricular activities - which can be paid by the parents or freely offered by the community. Your child can take courses, such as gymnastics,Ballet, dance, pottery, jewelry making, drawing, tennis, golf, martial arts, swimming, babysitting classes, and many other activities of the Community.

2. Homeschool Support Group or cooperative events - Many home school groups offer weekly or monthly classes and events. There are also seasonal events such as science fairs, spelling bees and field trips. Some groups have even talent nights and offer special rates for instruction in the field of business. It can also opportunitiesto participate in special music or theater performances as a group.

3. Socializing with siblings and parents overlooked - many people that have home school children usually interact with their families all day long. They are sometimes the most difficult relationship to maintain. The children learn many problem-solving skills when interacting with members of the family all day.

4. Community-sponsored activities - Many communities have departments, recreationOffer team sports such as basketball, soccer, volleyball and much more. Not overlooked, swimming bowling leagues and teams, either. Some communities also have community choirs, bands and theater groups, where your children can participate.

5. Church activities - sports teams can reach a large opportunity for local churches. Look for this so your children can participate. Choir and band programs are sometimes perform for children and to learn. Youth groups sometimesMembers must play in a band around an instrument or sing. If your church is not a program you like this, then maybe have you and your kids could begin this book.

6. School Activities - Many schools will contribute to your children in the choir, theater and art classes. For younger visitors there are different varieties Biddy programs that are open to all children in the community. Students are always welcome to participate in sporting events when they pay admission. These can be great family outingswhere you interact with the community and get to watch a game.

If you keep your eyes open and interact with people, you have to be able to find many opportunities for your children, with other people.

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

People With Schizophrenia Can Live A Healthy Life

The doctors say there are about 2.5 million people with schizophrenia. Of those, typically 10-20% of a successful recovery is achieved. However, new research suggests that the treatment of schizophrenia could be up to 68% successful if psycho-social therapy is applied. Have, in fact, famous schizophrenics like Nobel laureate mathematician gone John Nash, Pink Floyd guitarist Syd Barrett or author Jack Kerouac, all live on fresh life with the help of medication and schizophrenia> Support counseling.

A major problem in the treatment of schizophrenia is that it focuses exclusively on drugs to the positive symptoms of attack - are the aural and visual hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking and pure. While medication is necessary to have schizophrenia, many patients remain difficulties in their medicines.

You may dislike the side effects of anti-psychotic drugs or they feel like they have been "cured" if the symptoms do not return tofor a while. But it is a serious mental illness who have the most people throughout their lives that can lie dormant and reappear suddenly and without warning. Therefore, behavioral therapy and support crucial for recovery are.

The best treatment of schizophrenia addresses the negative symptoms of the disorder. "Negative symptoms" refers to things that people are missing. For example, many schizophrenics have what is called "agoraphobia", ie the fear of people and socialSituations.

They lack the ability to easily with others, or the understanding of how to act, speak. You can also a lack of emotional responsiveness, making it difficult to show love or receive love from other obstacles, romantic relationships. In addition, lack of motivation and suffer from depression.

Research from 1955 to 1965 carried out by Courtenay M. Harding suggests that "has a very large group of consumers achieved remarkable recovery. They are people who in spite of ongoing symptoms, carvedlife insurance.

They have goals, they take decisions, and to improve their situation with the right measures. "The new successful interventions used for people with schizophrenia (as in Vermont) are: self-sufficiency, rehabilitation and integration into the community where the old intervention (used in Maine) was meds, maintenance and stabilization.

It is estimated that, of all people with schizophrenia, 1 / 10 men commit suicide. Often suicidal episodesimplemented in either a psychotic or seizure within the first six to nine months for them to happen and from schizophrenia drugs to cope and that with difficulty.

Here, behavioral therapy and support systems are so critical. However, it is difficult financially for many patients, since insurance companies on the importance of advice and refuse to detect long-term rehabilitation programs.

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